'Using fastlane match gives me: your developer account needs to be updated

I'm using fastlane in my react native app. I am following the documentation in https://docs.fastlane.tools/getting-started/ios/setup/ and everythinhg works fine here. I use the command "fastlane match" and it also works, but "fastlane match appstore" gives me "your developer account needs to be updated".

Is there anything account related that needs to be done to fix this? There is just a bit of information about it

Solution 1:[1]

The problem was account related after all. When creating a new user in App Store Connect, you're prompted to sign a service agreement there, but you're not prompted to sign the Apple Developer service agreement until you actually go to https://developer.apple.com , then go to the developer options (or just click the logo at the top-left side of the page) and you will have the chance to sign it. This worked for me.


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Solution 1