'What does this AWS CloudFormation AWS::Amplify::App Exception mean "Invalid request provided: Repository provider not supported."?
I cannot find a single article/example of this scenario but here is what I am attempting to do. I want to create AWS Amplify infrastructure using a AWS CloudFormation template (yml). I have defined the following Resources in the yaml template:
- AWS::IAM::Role
- AWS::Amplify::App
- AWS::Amplify::Branch
- AWS::Amplify::Domain
When running the aws cloudformation create-stack ...
command, CloudFormation fails with the following exception ("Invalid request provided: Repository provider not supported."):
I cannot find a single internet search match for "Repository provider not supported". I am using an AWS CodeCommit Repository url (not github):
AWS > CloudFormation > AWS::Amplify::App
Any help on resolution would be appreciated for myself and I am sure the community since AWS has not provided any examples on their official documentation.

Solution 1:[1]
You will have to go to your CodeCommit Repository and click on Clone URL > Clone HTTPS. This will provide you with a link similar as below
You can use the same in your CloudFormation template in the property Repository. Below is the example:
Type: AWS::Amplify::App
Description: Test
Name: Test
IAMServiceRole: !GetAtt AppServiceRole.Arn
Repository: https://git-codecommit.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/AmplifyApp
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Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | DharmanBot |