'What is the best practice for serve HTML files in Quarkus

I don't want the extension of my HTML files to show up in the address bar like index.html, login.html. Instead, I want these files to be accessed with patterns like /HOMEPAGE /LOGIN

I don't hold these files under the resources/META-INF/resources directory because I also don't want these files to be accessed directly from the address bar by typing the file name.

I could not find a built-in solution in Quarkus to meet these needs. So I followed my own solution.

public String loginPage() throws IOException {
    String fullPath = PATH + "login.html";
    return Files.readString(Paths.get( fullPath ));

But I'm not sure if this is the right solution. Are there any best practices on Quarkus for the kind of needs I mentioned?

Solution 1:[1]

Using Quarkus Reactive Routes, you can create a route like:

public class StaticContentDeclarativeRoute {

    @Route(path = "/homepage", methods = Route.HttpMethod.GET)
    void indexContent(RoutingContext rc) {
        StaticHandler.create(FileSystemAccess.RELATIVE, "content/index.html").handle(rc);


so that in this way at the URL /homepage you'll have the index.html page served.
Consider the path can also be absolute using FileSystemAccess.ROOT.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 mrizzi