'Why is iframe content downloading as a file?

When visiting the webpage with the following iframe, the HTML file is downloaded as a file instead of just displaying on the page within the iframe. Why is it downloading and how can it be embedded correctly within a webpage?

<iframe scrolling="no" src="https://example.com/files/example.htm" width="780" height="1400"></iframe>

If it helps to know, the file is being stored in Azure Storage as a blob:

<iframe scrolling="no" src="https://aerccgrsuatpnoapoddat01.blob.core.windows.net/pnoa/html/00460522-001.htm" width="780" height="1400"></iframe>

Solution 1:[1]

Please try to set the Content-type of the blob as text/html. Then in my side, I can see it works in iframe.

The steps as below:

Nav to azure portal -> your storage account -> Storage Explorer(preview) -> blob container -> your blob container -> right click the .htm file, and select properties -> Then set Content-type to text/html. -> click save button.

enter image description here


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Ivan Yang