'Apache Kafka cannot start multiple instances on same local machine

I am trying to set up Apache Kafka on my local machine to try it out following this official guide: https://kafka.apache.org/quickstart.

However, when I tried to start multiple servers, I keep getting the error: "kafka.common.InconsistentBrokerIdException: Configured broker.id 2 doesn't match stored broker.id 0 in meta.properties. If you moved your data, make sure your configured broker.id matches. If you intend to create a new broker, you should remove all data in your data directories (log.dirs)"

I set the parameters exactly following the guide like:


I don't quite get it why it's incorrect. I have searched on other sites that they mentioned I need to fix something in meta.properties or log.dirs whatever, but none of these files or directories appear to exist on my computer. Please help me out thx!

Solution 1:[1]

I solved the issue by myself by changing those variables in server-1.properties at their original position. Previously I set the three parameters at the beginning of server-1.properties at broker.id section. However the *.properties file is actually very long and log.dir was set in its own section at the end of the file by default to be kafka-logs, which would override my changes at the beginning and cause the errors, because in directory /tmp/kafka-logs the meta.properties has broker.id 0, corresponding to the default server.properties set up. We must have log directory to be kafka-logs-1 so that the meta.properties is also unique for the broker.

By the way, it took me a long time to find out where kafka-logs locates. It locates at root/tmp, rather than inside the folder where kafka library locates. We should type cd /tmp to check it.

Hope this helps!

Solution 2:[2]

The problem is with the Broker.id You set that to 1 but when we add the another server it will increment the id from 0 to 1 directly. so thats why give any other integer number which is not closer to the existing server id


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Ray
Solution 2 Aniket Belsare