Category "android-layout"

Issue centering a QR square

I am writing an Android test app to see how to handle QR codes. This is the code for the main activity (MainActivity.kt) and a question is following. package me

Is anyone implemented layout camera feature like Instagram in Android?

I have already tried with single activity and multiple fragment which is added programmatically as per layout(2x2,2x3) same as instagram. But when i load camera

I am unable to use auto Image slider but not able to do so

I just wanted to use Auto image Slider, but after adding all the dependencies and other requirments like still I am unable to use sliderLayout of aut

Google support Map crashing

Google SupportMapFragment is crashing when executing this ( (SupportMapFragment)getChildFragmentManager().findFragmentById(

Getter for defaultDisplay: Display!' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

I need the width of the screen. But recently found Android defaultDisplay deprecacted with message: Getter for defaultDisplay: Display!' is deprecated. Deprecat

Layout not moving up when keyboard is open in Jetpack Compose

I have a layout in Jetpack Compose where I have a couple of composables (text view and input) that I need to stay at the top of the screen, and then another com

AAPT: Error: Resource attr/(various) not found

Having all kinds of problems tonight. Downloaded updated Android Studio and Gradle and coded a little and then started getting these errors. Have tried uninstal

I want to create a layout for cashiers point of sales in android studio

application de point de vente dans le cloud, applicable à tout MAGASIN, BOUTIQUE DE DÉTAIL, RESTAURANT, CAFE, KARAOKE ... et rend les ventes extr&

Create MaterialButtonToggleGroup including MaterialButton(s) with customized style programmatically in Android

I'm trying to create a MaterialButtonToggleGroup with material buttons inside it and I wanna do that with custom styles. I was able to create that using xml, h

MaterialCardView crashes with material:1.1.0

I am using MaterialCardView as my cardview layout. Now, Android-studio started showing me that instead of current implementation "

MaterialCardView crashes with material:1.1.0

I am using MaterialCardView as my cardview layout. Now, Android-studio started showing me that instead of current implementation "

Event synchronization issue in an Android app

Here is an issue I am facing in an Android app. Please let me know if I need to give more information. There is an animation running inside the app. And while i

Android CheckBox gets filled in with solid color when setting button attribute

rather simple situation. I have a checkbox, I set the button attribute to my selector with two drawables for checked and unchecked. It looks proper in the edito

How to make two CardView height as wrap_content in a linear layout

I have two MaterialCardView in a linear or relative layout (i don't care about the parent layout I only want the result) I want that both of the MaterialCardVie

ImageView exceeds parent android studio xml

How do I make a child ImageView clip to the bounds of its parent? When I add an ImageView as a child to a parent view with rounded corners, the child ImageView

How to configure XML file so RecyclerView doesn't overlap the rest of the content?

What my layout file currently does: My layout file after building an app looks like on the picture and before building What I want it to do: I want this info ic

Jetpack Compose: How do you position UI elements within their parent with exact (x,y) coordinates?

According to the documentation on custom layouts: "Each UI element has one parent and potentially many children. Each element is also located within its parent,

moving from fragment to bottomNavitem, Onclick of that bottomNavitem, it opens that fragment again i need to open start fragment again,without delay?

i tried to open bottomNavitem from fragment with this code on ,it opens bottomnavitem ,on comming back same bottomnavitem it open same fragement while i need to

Evenly distribute elements on screen

I want to evenly distribute the elements "checkbox, desayuno,elegir hora" to the full width of the screen.After the "elegir hora" button there is a small Textvi

How to prevent bottom sheet from animating corner shape to square?

I've designed my bottom sheet like this <style name="ShapeAppearanceOverlay.BottomSheet" parent=""> <item name="cornerSize">30dp</item>