Category "android"

Send notification to only one user in firebase [closed]

I have an android app and I want to send notifications to only one user when data is change. How can I do that? I don't want to send my messag

Android - Motion Layout Syntax Error: No Valid LayoutDescription

I am getting the following error when I switch to MotionLayout from ConstraintLayout. I have tried rebuilding the project but no use. Layout Code: <androidx

Android app crashes at start with "E/dex2oat: Failed to create oat file" and "non-0 exit status"

My app (still WIP) runs fine on different devices. But suddenly it refuses to start on Huawei Honor 7 (Android 6.0/EMUI 4.0.3). Logcat gives me the following:

Xamarin.Forms; display the phone number of my SIM Card at device on the screen

I want to display the phone number of my device on the screen. In Xamarin.Android the code is work. But I want to use a code in Xamarin.Forms. I've searched bu

How to create a button in Kotlin that opens a new activity (Android Studio)?

Hello I'm making an app using Android Studio and the Kotlin language and am having trouble getting my button to open a new activity. I have the button created i grpc failed

When I use call getFromLocationName I get an IOException with description "grpc failed". Code that's ran @Override public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap)

How to automatically update a Flutter Mobile app to newer version when the application is not on play store or app store?

let's say i have a Flutter APK hosted on my website where users can download and install , what i'm interested to know is how possible that the application can

can not test api 32 it says invalid date string: Unparseable date: "bb`baiahbgbdGMT+00:00"

I want test fun but i have error it says invalid date string: Unparseable date: "bb`baiahbgbdGMT+00:00" I use emulator api 32 and can not run test > Task :ap

How to verify icon's presence in statusBar of Android with Selenium?

I need to write code (Java, Selenium) that verifies icon's presence in Android status bar. For instance, after enabling airplane mode, a plane icon appears. But

Floating Action Button is duplicated in fragment

In a project, there was a FloatingActionButton in one of the activities. I attempted to add a Fragment in that activity and move the FAB inside that Fragment. E

How to build android AOSP to a specific target product

I am trying to generate a rom to install in my phone which is a Motorola 1Gen Codename Falcon. I have followed both instructions from the official tutorial on s

Android Chrome Webview access to Google Pay is not working

Trying to integrate Google Pay (via Stripe) in our App. On Android 7.0, the native chrome browser is able to get access to the Google Pay data and display the s

Moving or copying data from one node to another in firebase database

I am trying to move my data present at one node i.e cart_details/UID to another node orders/UID/order1. I tried different ways of doing it but all seem to be a

Can not change camera in mobile Chrome or Safari during WebRTC call

I use navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices to retrieve list of all video devices (element.kind === 'videoinput') and then call navigator.mediaDevices.getUser

Unity ARCORE DllNotFoundException: arcore_unity_api

I tried to export the project from Unity and then export it as a library from Android Studio but when I import that library into another project I get that erro

Entering in PIP Mode with the application minimized (Android Studio)

My application makes a call to the server which may take a few seconds. The user can minimize the App before receiving the response from the server. So what I a

Add TURN server to android webRtc native

I'm working on WebRtc native android application. Im also compiling io.pristine lib. Im able to establish calls between two devices only if both of them are co

Andoid 12 Keystore user_0 missing foder

I'm currently doing a study on application forensics on Android 12 API 31. in this study I need to use a private key from Keystore that I can find no problem in

Flutter not detecting sdk cmdline tools

Running flutter doctor gives me the "cmdline-tools component is missing" error, even though I installed Android SDK command-line tools in android studio, I also

Network Inspector keep crashing in android studio

Its been more than 3 days. I tried a lot of things but the Network Inspector keep crashing after updated to Bumblebee