I have an API that is connected to a database and where I retrieve data. One schema example: The idea is to retrieve all related data based on the Application
After ajax call is completed and the model is posted successfully to the controller, what should the controller return? In my case, I just want to add an item t
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Risks>(jsonData); var finalResult = result.Value.Where(x => x.ID == 5).ToList
I am trying to learn behind the scene of Routing and I find out that WebApplication implements IEndpointRouteBuilder which allows it to define routes for exampl
I want create micro service architecture solution so I add some services for my solution. All my services must have one table in my database in there models so
I have successfully created a product but the page doesn't redirects to the view I want...and I don't really know why... [HttpPost] public async Task AddProduct
I have a question for Blazor Server Side. I want to @page route url define with variable or property. I can use now with below default method @page "/route-url"
I'm trying to export data from database to an excel file and then download that file on client side. The export works fine but the problem is with the download
When I use Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql in combination with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity I am getting that error. Are my dependencies wrong ? Similar issue
Net application. I have one entity with child entities. I have to filter based on child entity values. For example in the below query, var sourceProposal = pro
I have below config public static IEnumerable<IdentityResource> GetIdentityResources=> new List<IdentityResource> { new
After some update to either Visual Studio (I have the same issue in both VS2019 and VS2022) or Chrome I can no longer update the CSS in DevTools and have it ref
I'm working on building a website in ASP.NET Core MVC (the latest version). I have Animals table and Categories table,looking like this: On my AdminController
Background: As described in bullet #4 of my other post I'm trying to follow CDennig's example bicep script to grant my blazor (server) application access to bot
How can I get the parameters of an ASP.NET Core MVC controller action from the properties of a JSON object that was sent in the HTTP request body? If the reques
I'm looking for an up-to-date example of how to get PuppeteerSharp running on an AWS Elastic Beanstalk instance running Docker (.NET Core 6). There are quite a
When I am passing a single object like below then it is working as per below image [HttpPost] public async Task<ActionResult> Post([FromForm] MyModel Deta
I have a piece of code that throws exception and I dont quite understand why. public async Task<List<CategoryVm>> Handle(GetCategoriesListQuery re
when I am trying to use this command dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate I am getting error like : Unable to create an object of type 'BlogDbContext'. For th
I recently came across AddPooledDbContextFactory concept as part of my NET 5 self-education piece and am keen to implement it properly. However, I am not sure h