Category "azure"

API resource location a7c78d38-31a8-417e-ba6b-7e58b352f304 is not registered on

I'm trying nuget caching in Azure Pipelines. On running the pipeline, I'm facing this error. Resolving key: - nuget [string] - "Windows_NT"

Node Red - Could not connect: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND"

I'm new to node-red and I'm trying to create a simple flow of sending data to my Azure IoT hub using node-red. But whenever I send the data the get the followin

Azure B2C - REST API call Error "Message: The claims exchange <Id> specified in step <order> returned HTTP error response that could not be parsed"

Thank you and will appreciate some help. I am making a REST api call from a custom policy in Azure B2C. When I call the azure function in a browser, test/run in

ADF copy activity - ignore the new columns in source without throwing an error

I have a pipeline that copies data from source (dynamics) to SQL server datawarehouse. There is a ForEach activity which iterates over the list of all the table

How to Specifically Schedule Pipelines with Azure DevOps

How to schedule a one time run, non-repeating pipeline in AzurDevOps. I want to create this pipeline for our UAT environment, but I don't want to run it manuall

Azure VM: OS disk size

After creating a Windows Server Virtual Machine in Azure I noticed that the OS disk (C: drive) is only 30GB in size. My impression was that all new VMs have 1

404 Not Found error via resource owner password credentials flow in Azure AD B2C

I got the error below after following the example below: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Cach

How to convert an array into properties of one object in an ARM template?

I am looking for a way to convert an array (e.g. of strings) into one object, where the properties are generated from the array values. Use case: I want to gene


I'm trying to integrate Azure Active Directory with Snowflake. I've set everything up as instructed in this document :

Provision throughput on Database level using Table API in cosmos db

I have come across the requirement where I have to choose the API for Cosmos DB. I have gone through with all API's like SQL,Graph, Mongo and Table. Since my c

Monitor free disk space on Azure VM

Is there some way how to monitor free disk space from the Azure Portal? I know that there are all kinds of diagnostics for I/O, memory, network, CPU, .NET, SQL

Windows azure mobile service script how to?

Long time ago, at the time of Windows Phone, I created an Azure mobile services and I used scripts to modify data inserted in table. A few days ago, I created a

Challenges with Azure SQL Managed Instance

Unable to make a copy of the database using the following SQL command or through the Azure portal CREATE DATABASE mydatabase_copy AS COPY OF mydatabase; Unable

The client with object id does not have authorization to perform action taggedTrafficConsumers/validate

When using Azure Key Vault management REST API or cmdlet Add-AzureRmKeyVaultNetworkRule to allow a virtual network to access a key vault, I get the following er

Azure logic apps total duration is different then sum of actions

I'm having issues troubleshooting a failure in Azure logic app. As you can see in this image Although the total duration of the logic app was more than four m

How to enable Update Management for an Azure Automation Account programmatically?

I'm currently using Terraform and bits of Powershell to automate all of my infrastructure and I'm seeking a fully automated means to configure update management

'this.Client.SubscriptionId' cannot be null

We noticed that our Azure Subscription field is empty eg: Get-AzContext -ListAvailable Name Account Subscrip

Azure yaml pipeline using "extends"

I am trying to use extends as part of my pipeline. I am trying to get the first basic step working from Azure docs ie # pythonparameter-template.yml pa

Why would Azure Devops pipelines be unable to connect to my Python/Linux function app?

Update It is happening again. Successfully-created Windows-hosted function, visible in the Azure portal. Can connect to other functions in the same subscription

After upgrade to 5.2.3, CORS isn't working for "*" origins

I have a project using web api and one using mvc. They are configured using CORS module. The project using Web Api is configured to allow any origin be