Category "react-router"

How to handle components with different routes in react js

I have build an react app with 3pages Page1,Page2,Page3 and have Navbar and Sidebar component. And using react-router v6 for rendering components. I want the Na

is there a way to set a default route with React-Router v6

I just can't find a way to set a default route with react-router v6 Is it because it's not good programming anymore? Can somebody tell me why? Thanks in advance

React - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'params')

So I'm having an error message - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'params') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'para

React - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'params')

So I'm having an error message - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'params') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'para

Why does react-router not works at vercel?

I am trying to publish a serverless web to vercel. I want to use react-router and this works good on my computer but when I deploy it It doesn't works Can someb

How to modify a React Router Location?

I'm using the useQueryParams library, which takes a RouteAdapter, which is forwarded a Location, which can be sent to React Router to trigger a navigation. I wa

React-router-v6 access a url parameter

How can i access url parameter in my react component ? App.js <Route path="/question/:id" element={<QuestionView />} /> QuestionView.js class Quest

What is the simplest way to pass state while using React Router?

What is the simplest way to pass state while using React Router? My Navi component below is reflecting user being null, as opposed to user being "KungLoad". Tha

How can I configure React router correctly to navigate to a new page?

I have a navbar containing 3 Anchors, I want to navigate between different pages when clicking on each one. I've used react-router (version 6.3.0) to achieve th

Link tag not triggering onSubmit when clicking on the form's submit button

For some reason when I wrap my Link tag around my form's submit button it doesn't trigger the onSubmit() function. What am I doing wrong? import { Link } fr

React Router Removes server prefix (Reverse Proxy)

I am trying to run a React Application behind a reverse proxy server that has a prefix(say root-prefix) and secondary prefix(say subdirectory/path). The final U

Protected route with react router v6

What is correct way to write a ProtectedRoute with new version 6 of react-router? I wrote this one, but it's not a route const PrivateRoute = ({ component: Com

when trying to navigate to another route page took reload in react

when I navigate to another route the page took automatically reload though its a single Page application. I am using react bootstrap navbar.

React router component not destroying when user leaves the page

I have a video player (jsmpeg player) that opens up a websocket to a server to play live video. The way the video server works is that it counts the number of c

How to update location.state in react-router v6?

I'm using react-router-dom v6. When using useNavigate like this: let navigate = useNavigate(); navigate("/", {state: state}); I can access it by useLocation().

react-router-dom NavLink doesn't reflect isActive change without refreshing the page

I'm trying to use the NavLink's isActive prop to check whether the link's route is the current route to apply some visual styling. Whenever I navigate to a page

Role based react-router

What is the best way to conditionally render routes in react-router based on user role. I have a case where not all roles have permission to view certain routes

React-router stops working when error boundary catches an error in route

The codepen linked to below, uses react-router and an error boundary to catch errors within each route. If you click on "Shop", the error is caught as expected

React router - useOutletContext testing

I'm using react-router V6 and trying to test the new feature of useOutletContext. my testing library is testing-library/react and I'm not sure how to pass the C

Not able to link a component in react js

I wrote a code to fetch a list of contacts, after clicking on the view detail button on the contact card, it should open a new page showing the contact details