Category "intel"

Unable to get imu streams in my realsense camera D435i

I am trying to get IMU data from D435i camera but unable to do so. Browsing various github issues, I got the code snippet which is straight forward but for some

OpenCL: Is 64 bit global_id() not supported?

I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted

OpenCL: Is 64 bit global_id() not supported?

I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted

OpenCL: Is 64 bit global_id() not supported?

I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted

OpenCL: Is 64 bit global_id() not supported?

I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted

OpenCL: Is 64 bit global_id() not supported?

I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted

OpenCL: Is 64 bit global_id() not supported?

I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted

OpenCL: Is 64 bit global_id() not supported?

I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted

OpenCL: Is 64 bit global_id() not supported?

I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted

OpenCL: Is 64 bit global_id() not supported?

I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted

OpenCL: Is 64 bit global_id() not supported?

I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted

OpenCL: Is 64 bit global_id() not supported?

I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted

Can 2 processes run on same enclave in intel sgx?

I know intel sgx supports running multiple threads on one enclave. But I'curious that whether I can use fork to run 2 processes on one enclave?

How to enable VT-x from linux command line

Is there a way to enable VT-x from linux (not Windows) command line without having to reboot and enter the BIOS? Would be very useful since I don't have access

Intel oneapi detect if I'm on FPGA

Is there any way to detect via CMake whether an FPGA accelerator is available or not ? I'd like to do something like if (FPGA_AVAILABLE or FPGA_EMULATOR_ON)

How to make Intel GPU available for processing through pytorch?

I'm using a laptop which has Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520. Does anyone know how to it set up for Deep Learning, specifically Pytorch? I have seen if you ha

What does this i386 os code mean? The code is for resetting the system

/* jump to reset vector. esp := 0 */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { PRINT("reset\n"); _eflags = 0; // interrupt disabled __asm__ __volatile__ ("\

Get the handle of the driver using GUID in python

How to call a driver using GUID as their input to get the path and handle of the driver

Intel oneAPI dpcpp compiler with google test

I'm kinda new to the world of Intel's HPC toolchain and I'm facing some troubles making even simple DPC++ application to work when gtest is used as a testing fr

OneAPI installation Failed

I have Visual studio 2019 and 2022 installed with Intel OneAPI toolkit previously. It installed and worked flawlessly before. When I tried to install a newer ve