Category "jpql"

How to use ilike and % in createSQLQuery in hibernate java

I have made a sql query now i need to add search from it. it needs to search from userfullname the given keyword query is working in postgresql but it is not wo

How to access many to many relationship auto generated table in Java Spring?

I have two table named recipe and tags, joined with many to many relationship This is recipe table: @Data @NoArgsConstructor @Entity() @Table(name = "recipes",

ORDER BY Not Working in JPQL Query

I have the following method that returns a HashMap based on a Users Department and Building. I want to ORDER BY ASC based on the user name private HashMap<L

spring data jpa on timestamp field for current date?

I have to query on timestamp field for current date and get only 1 record. I can write the query like: @Query("Select i From Log i Where i.createdBy = :userId

IntelliJ IDEA highlights @Entity class names with "Cannot resolve symbol" in JPQL

IntelliJ IDEA highlights persistent @Entity class names with "Cannot resolve symbol" in red in JPQL which is distracting and buries real issues. So, for examp