Category "keystore"

Intelij idea exported Java Jar file doesnt work properly

Hello Everyone!! I am developing a server app in java lang in intelij idea it works properly but when exporting as .jar file it gives an error like this

PHP and Android Keystore encryption / decryption

I've been trying to get this for hours now, and I can't find what's wrong. I'm using a php RESTful API that I made to encrypt data using asymmetric encryption.

PHP and Android Keystore encryption / decryption

I've been trying to get this for hours now, and I can't find what's wrong. I'm using a php RESTful API that I made to encrypt data using asymmetric encryption.

Getting this error message while running Load Test in Azure "Keystore file not found, loading empty keystore"

I have uploaded .jmx script and CVS files in the test plan. And added an "Authorize Token" as parameter in the Environment Variables (as I don't want to give se

Getting this error message while running Load Test in Azure "Keystore file not found, loading empty keystore"

I have uploaded .jmx script and CVS files in the test plan. And added an "Authorize Token" as parameter in the Environment Variables (as I don't want to give se

Parsing encrypted PKCS#8 encoded pem file programatically

I am having trouble figuring out how to properly read a private key of a pem file. I have gone through different topics on stackoverflow, but I couldn't find th

Execution failed for task ':app:signReleaseBundle'

I have this error at the moment to make flutter build appbundle this is the error: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed

cant generate sign apk

I can't generate signed apk with android studio 2.1.3 after installing new windows 10. I have my password and I'm sure the password is correct but when I try to

Executing Command line .exe with parameters in C#

I'm trying to execute a command line program with parameters from C#. I would have imagined that standing this up and making this happen would be trivial in C#