Category "kubernetes"

Quarkus upgrade vertx dns resolver ignoring kubernetes dns

I have upgraded the version of quarkus to 2.8.0.CR1 My quarkus apps are using a mix of camel, mutiny, resteasy, mongo, pubsub and it seems to have been reproduc not working

I want to increase size of post body of each request in Ingress. So I add the 8m in yaml file ingress(in view/ed

How to use rkt as container runtime instead of docker for kubernetes?

I tried using rktlet( But when I try to kubelet --cgroup-driver=syst

Kubernetes does not start after restart system (Ubuntu)

I installed K8s on my two Ubuntus in VirtualBox (Master and Node01). After installation (I proceeded according K8s doc site) I typed kubectl get nodes and got b

kubectl exec/logs on GKE returns "remote error: tls: internal error"

I'm currently getting errors when trying to exec or get logs for my pods on my GKE cluster. $ kubectl logs <POD-NAME> Error from server: Get "https://<

Issue in placing DataDog log annotation on deployment via ansible

I am using ansible version 2.7 for kubernetes deployment. For sending logs to datadog on kubernetes one of the way is to configure annotations like below, tem

How to configure istio for mesh federation without service discovery?

Multi-trust deployment model from istio documentation I want to connect multiple meshes together. I currently manage 3 different AKS clusters Operations (aks-o

How to use kubeadm to create kubernetes cluster?

I init k8s cluster master with kubeadm, but I felt very confused. The version of kubeadm: # ./kubeadm version kubeadm version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5

no endpoints available for service \"kubernetes-dashboard\"

I'm trying to follow GitHub - kubernetes/dashboard: General-purpose web UI for Kubernetes clusters. deploy/access: # export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.c

kafka deployment on strimzi

i'm trying to deploy kafka with strimzi, problem is, its exposing kafka brokers as load balancers and assigning them an external IP. i want kafka brokers to be

How to ssh into rancher desktop node?

I just started to use Rancher and request to correct me for any wrong terminology. Earlier I was using minikube on Macbook which provide SSH easily using miniku

ASP.NET Core 6 running in k8s shutting down

OK I´m new to ASP.NET Core 6 and k8s. So far all apps I was hosting (java, js, python) didn't have any issue. Deployment service and ingress were created

cert-manager with ZeroSSL creating multiple orders even if previous orders are ready

I'm using ZeroSSL account to create ACME certificates. I was able to get EAB credentials from ZeroSSL, which I added to the ClusterIssuer. apiVersion: cert-mana

minikube does not start on ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Exiting due to GUEST_PROVISION

I am trying to setup minikube in a VM with ubuntu desktop 20.04 LTS installed, using docker driver. I've followed the steps here, and also taken into considerat

ServiceMonitor not found in

I am using kubeadm to deploy single node kubernetes 1.11 cluster. I am unable to find servicemonitor resources. ➜ kube-prometheus git:(master) ✗

ServiceMonitor not found in

I am using kubeadm to deploy single node kubernetes 1.11 cluster. I am unable to find servicemonitor resources. ➜ kube-prometheus git:(master) ✗

Kubernetes ingress controller - Error: ImagePullBackOff

I'm unable to get the controller working. Tried many times and still I get Error: ImagePullBackOff. Is there a alternative that I can try or any idea why its fa

Can we combine jobs into one in .gitlab ci/cd yaml file?

This is ci/cd yaml file I using services: - docker:19.03.11-dind workflow: rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH || $CI_

MongoDB ReplicaSet issues

We are running MongoDB ReplicaSet on Kubernetes. One of MongoDB pods in CrashLoop and it shows OOMKilled as true. And the pod has crashed 234 times since then.

How to set cpu_manager_policy to static in eks managed nodegroup.?

Hi i have been trying to do cpu pinning in my eks cluster. i have used amazon linux latest release, and my eks version is 1.22 . i have created a launch templat