I have 3 kubernetes clusters (prod, test, monitoring). Iam new to prometheus so i have tested it by installing it in my test environment with the helm chart: #
I use terraform to create an environment in AWS. The environment also contains a EKS cluster, which integrates in AWS and creates some resources there. (For exa
I have application that is using Helm charts to be deployed. On first helm upgrade --install command everything works as expected but second time I have this er
I am using Traefik (v2.2) on Kubernetes, using a wildcard domain certificate for HTTPS access. The following are my Traefik deployment and Ingress configuration
I am experiencing exactly this issue: Nginx-ingress-controller fails to start after AKS upgrade to v1.22, with the exception that none of the proposed solutions
Our Kubernetes 1.6 cluster had certificates generated when the cluster was built on April 13th, 2017. On December 13th, 2017, our cluster was upgraded to versi
How to parse the json to retrieve a field from output of kubectl get pods -o json From the command line I need to obtain the system generated container name
I have tried the answers in this question. This is my current configuration: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: helm.sh/chart: ingress-nginx
I set up a Kubernetes cluster in my private network and managed to deploy a test pods: now I want to expose an external ip for the service: but when I run: kube
I am setting up an ingress service following some k8s documentation, but I am not able to understand the following annotations: kubernetes.ip/ingress.class: ngi
I'm getting following error message: root@master-1:~# microk8s.kubectl get no The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the rig
I am trying to configure Kubernetes RBAC in the least-permissive way possible and I want to scope my roles to specific resources and subresouces. I've dug thr
My application runs over a Kubernetes cluster of 3 nodes and uses Kafka to stream data. I am trying to check my system's ability to recover from node failure, s
I'm installing kubernetes(kubeadm) on centos VM running inside Virtualbox, so with yum I installed kubeadm, kubelet and docker. Now while trying to setup clus
When I try any kubectl command, it always returns: Unable to connect to the server: EOF I followed these tutorials: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/ins
Is it possible to setup my ingress with a wildcard so I can fetch images with repositoryname.hostname where repositoryname is the wildcard? I have Artifactory r
I'm beginning to build out a kubernetes cluster for our applications. We are using Azure for cloud services, so my K8s cluster is built using AKS. The AKs clust
I am using the opentelemetry-ruby otlp exporter for auto instrumentation: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-ruby/tree/main/exporter/otlp The otel
In a k8s cluster. How do you configure zeppelin to run spark jobs in an existing spark cluster instead of spinning up a new pod? I've got a k8s cluster up and r
I have a batch job which breaks down in 3 tasks that each depend on the previous finishing before they can start: Run a single pod Run N pods in parallel (.spec