Category "kubernetes"

Pods CPU getting Throttled even when CPU usage is less than requested

CPU is getting throttled even when the CPU usage for the container is below request. From what I understand pods are scheduled at nodes where there is sufficien

Provide files for kubernetes job

I am trying to create a Kubernetes job, that would run from some machine. I would like that job could somehow copy files from this machine into container runnin

glusterfs, heketi and kubernetes auto provisioning problem

I have a gluster node and i did test heketi and it is creating volumes using it's cli. This is my storage class: kind: StorageClass apiVersion:

Setting Nginx Header Host without breaking an existing ingress

When I add proxy_set_header Host $host; to my ingress file, it stops working. I think I need to set that as the value as I'm trying to expose SSL over Keycloak

Error when trying to expose a docker container in minikube

I am using minikube to learn about docker, but I have come across a problem. I am following along with the examples in Kubernetes in Action, and I am trying to

How to get the current namespace of current context using kubectl

I am trying to get the namespace of the currently used Kubernetes context using kubectl. I know there is a command kubectl config get-contexts but I see that i

How to expose the docker container ip to the external network?

i want to expose the container ip to the external network where the host is running so that i can directly ping the docker container ip from an external machine

How to import custom dashboards to grafana using helm

I'm trying to understand helm and I wonder if someone could ELI5 to me something or help me with something. So i did run below: helm repo add coreos https://s

Load Balancer Service type in azure VM

I have created a Kubernetes cluster ( 1 master, 2 workers VMs) using kubeadm on Azure. Node type service is working as expected. But Load Balancer service type

How to fix kubernetes_config_map resource error on a newly provisioned EKS cluster via terraform?

I'm using Terraform to provision an EKS cluster (mostly following the example here). At the end of the tutorial, there's a method of outputting the configmap th

k8s - how to project service account token into pod

I am trying to project the serviceAccount token into my pod as described in this k8s doc -

JupyterHub user pod can't assume EKS node role

I installed JupyterHub with Helm on an EKS cluster, although the EKS service role can be correctly assumed by the hub pod (whose name starts with "hub-"), the u

AMQP - Argo-events: argo-workflow not triggered

I am trying to run an argo-workflow triggered by event-source that listens to messages published on RabbitMQ. I followed the exact steps in here: AMQP-Argo Eve

How do I lookup configMap values to build k8s manifest using ArgoCD

I'm using ArgoCD for gitops deployments right now and I have k8s manifest files that require configMap values to be built (via helm right now). However, ArgoCD

JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX environment variable is empty when submitting an Indexed Job to kubernetes

I've made my cluster using minukube. as I know, Indexed-Job feature is added at kubernetes version 1.21. but when I made my job, it looks like there is no $JOB_

Kind kubernetes cluster failed to pull docker images

I tried to use KinD as an alternative of Minikube to bootstrap a K8S cluster in my local machine. The cluster is created successfully. But when I tried to creat

Access mysql running on localhost from minikube

I am running some services in minikube and trying to connect to mysql running on localhost( on 3306 port. I read this and trying to create service a

Should dependencies between Helm charts reflect dependencies between microservices?

Given a following scheme of services and their dependencies I would like to engineer a set of Helm charts. API Gateway calls Service A and Service C Service A

Multiple Redis instances with shared memory

In our project, we want to increase the performance of caching, actually we use a single Redis instance called by multiple microservices. Sometimes the instance

Kubernetes limit number of retry

For some context, I'm creating an API in python that creates K8s Jobs with user input in ENV variables. Sometimes, it happens that the Image selected does not e