how can we configure Unicode decoding in Logback yaml file.? logging: level: INFO appenders: - type: console includeCallerData: true timeZon
Spring boot 2.6.1 supports logback 1.2.7 I've added the following dependencies in project <dependency> <groupId>ch.qos.logback&l
I have a simple springboot application with rest end points. Every time I call the rest end point, it performs a certain activity. Right now, all the logging in
I'm trying to get json logs from Nexus 3. Since it use logback, I tried ton change the logback.xml file but, for some reason, it result to no logs at all... Doe
I have a following situation: A spring boot app using logback and several logging properties configured already in application.yml I would like to add other con
I have an Android app thich uses slf4j + logback. Gradle file looks like this: ... compile('com.github.tony19:logback-android-core:1.1.1-6') { exclude grou
I want to configure logging in spring boot application. I have configure logback-spring.xml. The sample of logback-spring.xml is located on here and sample of a
I can't force logback to use my custom configuration file because it doesn't see it. Here is my project structure: src --main ----java ----resources ------log
I want to configure logback in such way that some specific appender will work only if system variable LOGGER_ENABLED is set to true. If the variable is not set