Category "migration"

Could not load assembly 'CommonBaseData'. Ensure it is referenced by the startup project 'CommonBaseType'

I want create micro service architecture solution so I add some services for my solution. All my services must have one table in my database in there models so

Migrate data from Dynamics CRM 4.0 to 365

I have a client with an old CRM, Dynamics 4.0 on-premise and I want to migrate data from his CRM to a new instance Dynamics 365. Is there any way to migrate his

Troubleshooting enums with

Are there any best practices in troubleshooting enums when using with Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL provider? It's just that I don't know where to look

How to run migrations with dynamic schemas?

I'm using Sequelize (Postgres) and I'm trying to dynamically create schemas and run migrations in them. In other words, I'm not using sequelize.define, because

Django & MeMSQL Error when running django.db.utils.OperationalError: (2012, 'Error in server handshake')

I have a Django application with a default MySQL database. I want to move my default Database to MeMSQL. I set the credentials in to be: DATABASES =

Migrate multiple projects from GitLab to Azure DevOps

I am trying to find a way to migrate all projects (+600) from our Gitlab server to our DevOps platform. Are you aware of any scripts/automation? Thank you! I tr

How to create foreign keys in Laravel without errors

I'm trying to create foreign keys in Laravel. However, when I migrate my table using Artisan, I am thrown the following error. Schema::create('billing_transacti

NPM TypeORM - "Error: Duplicate migrations" after modifying/deleting migration file

I previously add a column to an existing table using, npm run migration:generate <filename>. However, I later realized that I misspelled the column name s

Database-style migrations for OS files

I'll admit this is an odd question as I'm writing, but I'm curious if such a solution exists or not. Basically, I want to run database-style migrations on files

Flutter: Unable to migrate to null safety

I am following this guide to migrate my project to null safety: But I am facing this issue with the dart migrate co

How to create Vaadin flow MprRouteAdapter for registered Vaadin 8 view with parameterized constructor?

I have the following code snippet in Vaadin 8 to navigate to ShipmentView. The shipment view is registered with two parameter constructor: navigator.addView("sh

AWS - DMS for Postgres RDS cutover strategy

To prepare for our Postgres to Postgres migration we have configured a DMS task and a target DB with migrations pre applied. We tested DMS and a cutover to our

How to put a foreign key in knex migration?

I'm trying to put a foreign key in knex migration. "age_group_id"(primary key of the "agegroups" table) is the foreign key of the "users" table. So, I have put

TypeORM CLI: No changes in database schema were found

I'm am developing an application using NestJS and TypeORM. Whenever I try to generate migrations from my entities (by running typeorm migration:generate) I get

Migrate Vaadin 8 to 14: Widgetset 'xx.MyAppWidgetset' does not contain an implementation for com.vaadin.mpr.MprUIContent

We are migrating from Vaadin 8 to Vaadin Flow 14. In order to migrate piece by piece, MPR is used. We use Flow 14's Route for navigation. For each view we creat

Can i use Azure Migrate tool to migrate IBM MQ from on-premise to azure cloud

We plan to migrate our on-premise MQ servers hosted in VMware servers to azure VM. Can I use the Azure Migrate tool to migrate IBM MQ from on-premise to Azure c

PHPSpreadsheet - How Do I Use Auto Migration Tool

I'm a long time reader, but new to asking questions. Please correct me if I have somehow asked incorrectly. Intro We are upgrading our servers from PHP 5.4 to

Laravel how to modify onDelete('cascade') into no action in migration?

I have a users table which has many debitur. I already set the user_id in debitur with onDelete('cascade'). Schema::table('debitur', function ($table) { $t

TypeORM migrations no changes were found

I'm trying to generate migrations with TypeOrm. When I change an entity, it should detect this change and generate a new migration. I get the following error

Additional probing paths for .NET Core 3 migration

Short version of the question: Is there any way in .NET Core 3 to specify a local probing path, using the same rules as the <probing> element from app.con