Category "ms-office"

How to get the file_id of a wopi host integration?

I've deployed a Wopi client as mentioned in the documentation and now i'm trying to deploy a wopi host, but i'm new to .net enviroment and i don't know how to g

Office protocol handler works with Office 2019, but not with Office 2016

On an Intranet web page, I have a link to an Excel document that resides on a network drive, like so: ms-excel:ofv|u|file:///N:/folder/file.xlsx This is an off

Microsoft Access 365, scrolling issue on Split Form

UPDATE: It appears that when setting filters or loading the datasheet, access is taking a strange and inconsistent amount of time to load the records. I set a f

Unable to render .MSG files via "[MSG file URL]" on HTML iframe

I have to render some office files( .doc, .ppt, .xls, .msg, .eml) which are publicly accessible documents on the browser. I was using iframe like below and it

Flow will Create File in Sharepoint from an Outlook attachment but will not complete Update Files Property action

I am new to Flow but have created one that works well but would like it to do more. I have created a Flow that pulls any attachment from emails that land in my

How to delete a word doc in office365

I'm using Office365 (in a web browser), and am trying to do something that should be extremely simple - delete a document that I created (thus, I should be the

How to add and show bookmarks in word online?

There is a setting in word desktop version to show bookmarks as below: File=>Options=>Advanced=>Show bookmarks But I couldn't find a similar sett

"Command Failed" error on Open Document method on C#

I'm getting error like "Command Failed" on Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Open Document method(on word.Documents.Open code line) when sending much more parameter

What is the most safe way to protect Word document from editing and copying [closed]

I need to protect my Microsoft Word document against text copying. I have found a solution in restricting the permissions described here. In

Office JavaScript API: track changes

I'm working on a side project using the Microsoft Office JavaScript APIs and have gotten stuck on something I don't see mentioned in the documentation. Is ther

How to get a custom document property using a formula

In an Excel formula, is it possible to get a custom document property without an external add-in or help from VBA code?

How to unbind a Microsoft .OBD file?

I can't seem to find any way to open an old .OBD file. Our company has around a hundred of these binders that were created a long time ago by another company th

Onlyoffice or WOPI protocol

I'm looking for a MS Office editor API for my web app to enable users to upload/create word or excel documents, edit them and save them online. I found Onlyoffi

VSTO with Windows Form and Worker Threads

I have an Office addin (Outlook if it makes a difference) created with VSTO. The addin creates a Windows Form at startup. My Form creates several threads. I'