solution = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0], [1,0,0], [1,0,0]] I have the above nested list, which contain some other lists inside it, how do we need to get the unique lists i
I'm adding weather forecast data to my app. The info displays in a RecyclerView after it is received by an API call using Retrofit 2. I'm having trouble getting
l1 = [[" "], [" "], [" "], [" "], [" "], [" "], [" "], [" "], [" "], [" "], [" "], [" "], [" "], [" "], [" "], [" "]] As you can see I want
I am probably missing something simple. I have the dictionary in vars.yml deploy_env: dev: schemas: year1: - main - custom ye
I'm trying to get from a function the absolute difference of a nested list. I have a fixed matrix, and I would like to get the result when is not fixed. At the
I have data in python with nested lists, a part of which looks like: data = [['214', '205', '0', '14', '710', '1813494849', '0'], ['214', '204
Imagine you have a simple matrix class template <typename T = double> class Matrix { T* data; size_t row, col; public: Matrix(size_t m, size_t n
I just started with python and very soon wondered if indexing a nested list with a tuple was possible. Something like: elements[(1,1)] One example where I want