Category "pandas-groupby"

Rolling OLS Regressions and Predictions by Group

I have a Pandas dataframe with some data on race car drivers. The relevant columns look like this: |Date |Name |Distance |avg_speed_calc |---- |-

Get the row(s) which have the max value in groups using groupby

How do I find all rows in a pandas DataFrame which have the max value for count column, after grouping by ['Sp','Mt'] columns? Example 1: the following DataFram

Pandas dataframe count values above threshold using groupby - code optimization

I have a large pandas dataframe where I want to count the number of values above a threshold (zero) in each column grouped by the values in one name column. Th

Groupby & Sum - Create new column with added If Condition

I have the below DataFrame: ID Start End Variance 1 100000 120000 20000 1 1 0 -1 1