Category "performance"

Why does python multiprocessing script slow down after a while?

I read an old question Why does this python multiprocessing script slow down after a while? and many others before posting this one. They do not answer the prob

How to use FIO to test a FUSE filesystem?

I'm using fio to test the performance of fuse filesystem using this commandline: fio -filename=/User/mbl/fusefs -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=write -ioengine

Python create all combinations of data points and filter them based on function

I have a table of locations (right now in dataframe) and want to calculate all combinations and their distance from eachother. Input: ID Lat Lon 1 6,4355 53,22

Is this an efficient calculator in Python?

Is this an efficient calculator in Python? def calculator(): print("\nBasic Calculator.\n") num_1 = input("Enter your first number: ") operatio

Performance insert by JPA Spring-boot with Oracle database

the first thanks for your time. I am trying to insert data to the database by JPA(spring-boot), the project is using Oracle. Currently, Insert 5000 record, it t

openGauss performance reproduce

The openGauss is said to be 1.5M tpmC on 2-socket Kunpeng server. But how can I reproduce the results step by step?

Which one is better for string reverse in Python 3?

s="google" print("".join(reversed(s))) //elgoog print(s[::-1]) //elgoog In above the string is reverse using python 3 reversed method and slicing method bot

Efficiently shift-or large bit vector

I have large in-memory array as some pointer uint64_t * arr (plus size), which represents plain bits. I need to very efficiently (most performant/fast) shift th

Why autovacuum is not running

If the parameter autovacuum is on, and the parameter track_counts is on also - why it's look like the autovacuum has never worked? select relname,last_vacuum,

Count how many iterations of deletion until array is ordered

I'm trying to write a program whose input is an array of integers, and its size. This code has to delete each element which is smaller than the element to the l

is there a faster way to get multiple keys from dictionary?

I have a dictionary: d = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':4} Then I have a list of keys: l = ['a', 'b', 'z'] My desired result is: [1, 2, None] What I'm doing

Ionic - run performance tests directly on device

I am developing an ionic 1 app designed to run on a specific android device. I cannot find a way to easily get performance metrics (memory usage, cpu, fps, et

Vuejs Webpack Compression Plugin not compressing

I need help debugging Webpack's Compression Plugin. SUMMARY OF PROBLEM Goal is to enable asset compression and reduce my app's bundle size. Using the Brotli alg

Fastest way to cast a float to an int in javascript?

Let's say I have x = 12.345. In javascript, what function floatToInt(x) has the fastest running time such that floatToInt(12.345) returns 12?

Case-insensitive exact match with SQLAlchemy

How can I ensure that the = operator is always rendered case-insensitive? Are comparisions with the LOWER or the UPPER functions the best bet for performance? I

How to lock thread in javascript energy efficient?

I want to patch the alert object in the browser, to show additional text, but I need to await some data to show the necessary content in the alert. However, I c

Is there any way to improve performance (e.g. vectorize) this look-up and recoding problem implemented by a for loop?

I need to make recodings to data sets of the following form. # List elements of varying length set.seed(12345) n = 1e3 m = sample(2:5, n, T) V = list() for(i

How to generate trace on armv8 Linux - CoreSight ETM - NVIDIA DRIVE AGX

I'd like to analyze worst case execution time of the programs. For this, there is a tool and expecting trace output of the program(specifically CoreSight - Embe

mysql many tables, multiple columns group by

The table I have configured is as follows. TABLE CAT{ ID number primary key, CATNAME varchar2, ... } <Many-to-Many> TABLE CAT_CHARR{ CATID number

Leetcode word ladder : How is this solution most efficient?

I'm doing this question in Leetcode : My solution was a BFA approach, and only one nested loop: def ladderLength(self