I'm busy trying to plot the number of children (turtle breed 1) treated by an organisation (turtle breed 2). The organisations have a turtles-own variable calle
I have a horizontal line that changes height depending on brush selection. Is there anyway to constantly display the line as the line goes up and down? Below is
is there a way I could change my xtick frequency without changing my code too much? ax = pred0x.plot.line(x='time', y='load', figsize=(200,100), fontsize=100, c
I have these datas that determines how absence rate affect student's grade in 3 different years, im trying to plot a one dimensional scatter plot with the three
I have the following chart in R: n = 1:50 f = log2(n) g = n h = n*log2(n) k = n^2 z = 2^n w = factorial(n) plot(n, f, ylim=c(0,200), t='l', col=3) lines(n, g, t
I'm trying to plot my captured pose_world_landmarks like it is shown on the GitHub Mediapipe homepage (https://google.github.io/mediapipe/solutions/pose.html -&
Suppose I had the following plot (taken from the tutorial in the Altair documentation): import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data alt.Chart(data.cars
How can plot a function with different point sizes? f=[(k,k*sin(k^2)) for k in range(1,101)] # size=[(i) for i in range(0,101)] p=points(f, pointsize=5, color=
I am using an online ONS dataset of inflation and trying to chart it, but when plotting it with ggplot the x-axis is not in chronological orde
this will sound very basic, but I cannot find the solution to this problem with my code. I did a univariate regression (regr1) between the 2 variables immigrate
I am stuck with this code written in py2 on psychopy. I am not an expert with coding. I am trying to run the function "analyzeStaircases(stairs, stairInfo['Aver
Suppose we have a surf plot like this: A = round(peaks,0); surf(A) Is there any way to modify the colormap so that it excludes all values in A that are equal t
I have a short question. This is my dataframe: gradient result date 2022-04-15 09:43:20 0.206947 0.10
To visualize the results of my linear mixed model (LMM) I would like to plot spagetti plots that track the change in volume1 over time for all participants. I w
Given GraphPlots doc, we have the following available attributes: function gplot{V, T<:Real}( G::AbstractGraph{V}, locs_x::Vector{T}, locs_y::Vector{
I have a dataframe df in which the column extracted_day consists of dates ranging between 2022-05-08 to 2022-05-12. I have another column named gas_price, which
I am plotting a graph with 3 y axis, and it shows in the plot window of Spyder instead of saving correctly in a folder. The graph saved in a folder is blank. He
I've seen here that you can use DashTable to allow Markdown in a plotly table like so, app.layout = Div([ DataTable( columns=[ dict(name
I have fitted a binominal logistic glm with a three-way interaction between sex (male & female), tree cover including a quadratic term (1-100%), and the mea
I know that, this issue is known and was already discussed. But I am encountering a strange behaviour, may be someone has idea why: When I run this: plot = df.p