Category "react-native-webview"

react native webview, open google maps URL with the google maps application

In the WebView of my react-native application, I have an embedded google maps url like: <WebView source={{html: `<iframe src="

Weview doesn't shirnk when keyboard is appeared on IOS

Problem: The height of webview doesn't reduce when I open up the keyborad on IOS I used a KeyboardAvoidingView wrap my Webview like this <KeyboardAvoidingV

react-native-webview href html tag not wrapping and going off screen

The long href url content inside my WebView does not go to the line and makes the view scrollable horizontally when it should break the text and make it go to t

Android react-native-webview “SSL Error: Hostname mismatch” (expo)

when I use the WebView on expo with an external uri which I’m not the owner (I’m doing an SSO Auth page that uses cookies), if I open on iOS everyth

React native webview copy and download not working

I have built an android app using react native. Inside the app I am using the react-native-webview package to show a React app. import {WebView} from 'react-nat

React Native WebView with local HTML

I need some help with an issue with React Native WebView. Basically, I need to use a local HTML file, which works fine with iOS, but on Android it is causing a