Category "react-table-v7"

React useTable hook with typescript

So I have a JavaScript class with useTable. In Java script its been used like below import {useTable, useFilters,useAsyncDebounce,useSortBy,usePagination,} from

How to make react table to scrollable?

I am trying to make react table scrollable horizontally and vertically but right now it is taking all the space according to the data. I want to make this table

React-table library- 'useTable' is not exported by node_modules/react-table/index.js

React version: 16.8.6 React-table version: 7.6.3 Hey. I am getting the next error only when trying to build my project. When running it locally, everything wor

How to make the row editable when clicking on an "Edit" button on a cell with react-table

I am making the interactive table using react-table on my application. My goal is to make a table that can be editable per row when clicking on a button in a ta

How to deal with "Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <tr> cannot appear as a child of <div>. " when using react-window to render table rows

I'm using react-window to create virtual tables with react-table 7 (and material UI tables). I'm embedding FixedSizeList instead TableBody. Something like this: