Category "seaborn"

How does one insert statistical annotations (e.g. p-values) into a seaborn figure-level plot (e.g. catplot)?

Goal: Given a seaborn catplot (kind="bar") with multiple rows, grouped bars, and a mapped stripplot, how do I add statistical annotations (p-values). The follow

Make Seaborn Distplot and Barplot the same color [duplicate]

I have been unable to figure out how to set the colors between distplot and barplot to be the same. Despite setting the color argument in both

Getting Errors when combining Bar graph with line plot in Sea born [duplicate]

I am trying to combine a bar chart(with hue) and line plot (with hue). I am able to plot them separately. But together, I get some garbage gra

change seaborn scatter plot legend from number to text

Here is how I plot the decision boundary of my SVC` classifier. X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_features=2, n_redundant=0, n_clusters_per_class=

How to save a seaborn plot as svg or png

Hi all I have been trying to save my output chart with plt.savefig("coeff.png") as svg or png but what I get is only a blank picture. Is there anyway I could ge

How to save a seaborn plot as svg or png

Hi all I have been trying to save my output chart with plt.savefig("coeff.png") as svg or png but what I get is only a blank picture. Is there anyway I could ge

How to change the figure size of a displot

I am new to Seaborn, and I am having some trouble changing my figure size. I have looked at examples and adapted it to my code, but nothing seems to be happenin

How to plot correlation matrix/heatmap with categorical and numerical variables

I have 4 variables of which 2 variables are nominal (dtype=object) and 2 are numeric(dtypes=int and float). df.head(1) OUT: OS_type|Week_day|clicks|avg_app_s

Reordering the high-level clusters from seaborn clustermap results

Is there a way to get from a to b in the following figure with scripting? I am using seaborn.clustermap() to get to a (i.e. the order of the rows are preserved.

How to plot data from UDP stream coming from F1 2019 game, my lineplot comes up blank

I have this below code in which I am getting data packets from UDP from the game. However, when running this code I am getting a blank plot, I want to plot Spee

Display count on top of seaborn barplot

I have a dataframe that looks like: User A B C ABC 100 121 OPEN BCD 200 255 CLOSE BCD 500 134 OPEN DEF 600 1

Changing axis label size in Seaborn catplot [duplicate]

I am trying to enlarge the x-axis labels (that is 'onshore', 'offshore', and 'solar'), along with rotating them. But whenever I increase the s

How to add data labels to seaborn barplot? [duplicate]

I have the following code to produce a bar plot in seaborn import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns df = pd

Plot distribution of pandas dataframe depending on target value

I want to visualize the grade depending on the sex (male/female). My dataframe: df = pd.DataFrame( { "key": ["K0", "K1", "K2", "K3", "K4", "K5", "K6", "K7", "

How to line plot timeseries data on a bar plot

I have the following data frame: data = {'date': ['3/24/2020', '3/25/2020', '3/26/2020', '3/27/2020'], 'Total1': [133731.9147, 141071.6383, -64629.74024

convert hued displot of X to plot of hue vs mode(X given hue)?

I have a Seaborn displot with a hued variable: For each hued variable, I want to extract the mode of the density estimate and then plot each hue variable versu

How can i stack a seaborn kdeplot over a real map?

I've generated a seaborn kdeplot using latitude and longitude of a crime dataset of Chicago and I want to stack it over a real map of the city, which python lib

How can i stack a seaborn kdeplot over a real map?

I've generated a seaborn kdeplot using latitude and longitude of a crime dataset of Chicago and I want to stack it over a real map of the city, which python lib

Add dpi to seaborn or export them with a given dpi

I have a visualization code like: for cluster in ready_couples_2.cluster.unique(): sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(11.7,8.27)}) # mask the cluster of int

How can I find the mode (a number) of a kde histogram in python

I want to determine the X value that has the highest pick in the histogram. The code to print the histogram: fig=sns.displot(data=df, x='degrees', hue="TYPE", k