Category "simpy"

How can I indented in multiple with statement in Simpy?

I tried to build a simpy model with multiple 'with' statement as below. However, based on indentation, the result was different. Please let me know what is the

How to simulation allow to wait until the next process is resolved?

< This is brief scenario > Patients arrive at ED(Emergency Department). When patients arrive at the ED, they first receive a triage from the nurse. After

In Simpy simulation, how can I escape from infinite loop

I have an endless loop problem in Simpy simulation. My scenario is: After finishing triage, a patient wait until getting empty bed. However, if there is no empt

How can I keep track of the information of multiple objects where there are various events in Simpy?

I tried to build a simulation model as below, but I got error. Here's my scenario. I have two big areas of hospital. EU (EU1 and EU2) IU (IU1 and IU2) Each bi

Simpy: How to monitor resource use

I am trying to understand how to collect data for computing resource use, for example, the average number of customers waiting in line. I looked at the documen

simpy resource availability schedule

I'm using SimPy in Python to create a Discrete Event Simulation that requires resources to be available based on a schedule input by the user in my case in a c