Category "spinner"

The spinner is empty when no new object is being generated for an ArrayAdapter

To assign data of an ArrayList<String> alKategorien to a spinner auswahl_kategorie, I am using this snippet: ad = new ArrayAdapter( this,

Notify data change on spinner select

I can't seem to get my driver to update through my app. I have tried but with no luck. I have a possible solution but don't know what the adapter is that needs

Change the background color of exposed dropdown menu

I think Android developers are kidding us. First they removed the real spinner from the Material Design and second it is somehow impossible to style. Look at th

Add a spinner when Mat-table is loading?

I load the data in my material table like that : ngOnInit(){ return this.annuairesService.getMedecins().subscribe(res => = res);} I

How to add emoji in a spinner in an array with list items

I want to have spinner which contains list of items in a way where every entry have an emoji with it. I have already an array but I don't know how can I add emo

android - how to set and get value from spinner

I am trying to set and get value to a spinner for item dynamically ? any ideas ? I just need help with the Spinner behavior right now, the rest should be q

Spinner does not show selected value

I have implemented the spinner by populating the array list through database.I can get and show the array list in my spinner array adapter but if I select the i