I am exploring Azure cloud, If I install virtual machine it comes cloud provider enabled partitions, But what I need to achieve is custom partitions and I am P
I have a weird problem with mosquitto_sub 1.6.14 running on xubuntu 20.02. Everything works fine as long as I don't use certificate files. When using certificat
Any help from any source is appreciated. Server has a Docker container with alpine, nginx, php. This container is able to write in bind mounted host directory,
I just started using Vscode on Ubuntu 18.0. I have the following problem. When I try to copy a particular line, when I click the right-click button on my mouse,
I'm trying to run a Jupyter notebook on Ubuntu 21.10. I've installed python, jupyter notebook, and all the various prerequisites. I added export PATH=$PATH:~/.l
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/jupyter-notebook", line 5, in from notebook.notebookapp import main File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist
I just installed Android Studio and created my first few Virtual Devices based on Nexus 6 API 27 Pixel 3 API 27 Pixel 4a API 30 Pixel 5 API 30 Pixel 5 API 28 Pi
I want to copy certain files from a folder based on a list stored in a .csv file. Previously I used rsync to do this using rsync -a /source/directory --files-fr
How to live changing in ruby, I receive API but it looks like: the number is 1 the number is 2 the number is 3 it's normal because inside the loop and when I u
I have installed nvidia-driver-390 after adding a GTX 560 Ti on an Intel Core i5 12600K PC running Kubuntu 20.04 LTS. After rebooting I get the following error:
I have a ionic angular application. When I run 'ionic capacitor build android' from WSL I get the following errors: [INFO] Ready for use in your Native IDE!
I have been trying to install mesos on my VM. To be specific on Ubuntu Focal Fossa. However, I googled this and didn't saw any repository/binary packages for me
I have an EC2 instance where I'm attempting to resize the disk on the fly. I've followed the instructions in this SO post but when I run sudo growpart /dev/nvme
I installed MySQL server using a standard source distribution (mysql-server-8.0) according to this url: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/installing-sourc
I started using Linux lite 5.0 on my laptop last month. (I am fairly new to the Linux enviroment, just migrated from Windows 10). So I installed Visual studio C
I read about this problem and tried many fixes, but none has worked. I use Ubuntu 22.04 and PHP 8.1. My Nginx config file is now ## # You should look at the fol
I'm installing Ubuntu Linux on my Windows 10 host using VirtualBox. I arrived at this page after some steps. Should I go ahead and select the first option? Wil
I have recently moved to Linux and am getting used to the OS, I managed to install and run Quartus 20.1 Lite and I was testing it out with an old working projec
I would like to install kubectx on Ubuntu 20.04. I couldn't find any info on how to do it. Any comment is much appreciated. Thanks!
I want to move the data from one droplet to another with a new version of Ubuntu. I was thinking about using snapshots to do this but since i'm not a digital oc