Category "unity3d"

How do I set up and deploy a Unity application to Google Play using Play app signing and app bundles?

Using app bundles and play app signing is currently the way recommended by google to deploy new apps on google Play. And starting from August 2021 new apps will

FileNotFoundException: Temp\gradleOut\build\outputs\bundle\release\gradleOut.aab does not exist

Hello I am using unity 2018.4.33f1. I upgrade the gradle version from 3.4.0 to 3.6.0 as

unity stop looking down after certain point

hi in my code I have some values I need to get, so far i already have a way to look up and down but I want it to stop after a certain point. I need to get the x

Unity Template Yellow lines

This is an unimportant question but its been bugging me... WHAT THE HECK ARE THE YELLOW LINES AND POINTS?!?! I have a few theories, something to do with lightin

MRTK Figma Bridge Import tool not working?

I'm trying to import from Figma with the MRTK Figma Bridge inside Unity engine. Unity 2021.2.8f1 MRTK Figma Bridge 0.1.1 MRTK Standard Assets 2.7.3 MRTK Tools 2

Keeping camera & mouse movement speeds the same on Drag in Unity3D

this question is a bit long but please bare with me. I am working with Unity3D's newer input system, and I've been able to set up camera movement so when the u

Unity 2D : collision with light

I was trying to make a game where when you touch a light you cant pass through it or you get damaged so what i really wanted to do was using hard light or creat

Keeping camera & mouse movement speeds the same on Drag in Unity3D

this question is a bit long but please bare with me. I am working with Unity3D's newer input system, and I've been able to set up camera movement so when the u

HTTP 1.1 400 Bad request in AzureAnchorScript

IEnumerator ShareAzureAnchorIdToNetworkCoroutine() { string filename = "SharedAzureAnchorID." + publicSharingPin; string path = Application.

How to fix distorted image shown on Unity UI?

I'm doing a project which will be used on projection. I want to display image in quadrilateral composed of given vertices on Unity UI. I created a class inherit

Unity 2D URP Light: How do I prevent that an object is affected by self shadow of another object

I'm trying to recreate my old 2D top down game (developed with Monogame) in Unity. For lighting, there is now a usable 2D light (URP) that casts shadows based o

How to make jump faster when player is running?

I have a character controller movement where the player can walk, run and jump. However, I facing an issue with the jumping. When jumping while walking, the jum

Eye gaze data at a fixed rate using Holographic Remoting

I'm trying to obtain the eye tracking data at a fixed frame rate (30 Hz, as provided by the eye tracker in HoloLens2) and not tied to the Update() function of U

Importing CoAP.NET in Unity

I've made a simpre CoAP server in Java, and now I need need to make a client in my android AR app made in Unity with ARFoundation. I've added the ddl files of C

Errors when build unity proejct for Macos on Windows

When I want to build a macOS version of my Unity project, I get following errors. But When I choose to Build Winows Version, it goes very well. Can someone help

Need help converting a custom shader to URP

For the last few days I've been following Sebastian Lague's videos about procedual generation. Since my project is based on URP and the custom shader responsibl

'$ApplicationThread' on a null object reference

I am trying to show the native phone number hint pop up from unity, but I keep getting the below exception. java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke vi

In Unity, how do you create a collection of pointers?

Is it possible to create a list or array of pointers in C#? I want to have a list of T* rather than use IntPtr because i am forever having to type Marshal Ptr T

Dropdown menu won't move objects down

I'm instantiating objects/prefabs into a vertical layout group in Unity. each of these objects have a dropdown menus, but my issues is that when I'm expanding t

AR camera distance measurement

I have a question about AR(Augmented Reality). I want to know how to show the distance information(like centermeter...) between AR camera and target object. (Us