IEnumerator ShareAzureAnchorIdToNetworkCoroutine() { string filename = "SharedAzureAnchorID." + publicSharingPin; string path = Application.
I'm doing a project which will be used on projection. I want to display image in quadrilateral composed of given vertices on Unity UI. I created a class inherit
I'm trying to recreate my old 2D top down game (developed with Monogame) in Unity. For lighting, there is now a usable 2D light (URP) that casts shadows based o
I have a character controller movement where the player can walk, run and jump. However, I facing an issue with the jumping. When jumping while walking, the jum
I'm trying to obtain the eye tracking data at a fixed frame rate (30 Hz, as provided by the eye tracker in HoloLens2) and not tied to the Update() function of U
I've made a simpre CoAP server in Java, and now I need need to make a client in my android AR app made in Unity with ARFoundation. I've added the ddl files of C
When I want to build a macOS version of my Unity project, I get following errors. But When I choose to Build Winows Version, it goes very well. Can someone help
For the last few days I've been following Sebastian Lague's videos about procedual generation. Since my project is based on URP and the custom shader responsibl
I am trying to show the native phone number hint pop up from unity, but I keep getting the below exception. java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke vi
Is it possible to create a list or array of pointers in C#? I want to have a list of T* rather than use IntPtr because i am forever having to type Marshal Ptr T
I'm instantiating objects/prefabs into a vertical layout group in Unity. each of these objects have a dropdown menus, but my issues is that when I'm expanding t
I have a question about AR(Augmented Reality). I want to know how to show the distance information(like centermeter...) between AR camera and target object. (Us
I have a code that allows to position an object onto the other object by Raycast. Obviously, I am using Mesh Collider so everything works fine. Ray ray = new Ra
I'm making an inventory system and want to use a button to move all items from under the button to a grid (which is their original transform coordinates). want
Video link I have a lot of dots that move, depending on the mouse position. I would like to change it so that it moves with the scrollbar value. How could I imp
I wanted to load my save files in Start() but I got an error that there is no path to load file because the path is created in Start() so I changed loading plac
I recently came back to unity, as i found out that it does now support installation linux. It works, but when editing the scripts with vscode i do not get code
I'm making a third person character controller in unity, I have the Player Moving with a direction and an animation. My question is: how do I make the movement
In Unity I have a script in which I connect to a socket via TCP and want to use this connection every frame. I need to dispose and clean up after that. My idea
I have the transform for a car with the standard CarController Component from the UnityStandardAssets.Vehicles If I move the car and check the Speed from the Ca