Category "unity3d"

Unity3D Getting position of OVRCameraRig

I want to attach an object to the OVRCameraRig and then use its position, which is offset from the rig. However, my object is always static, irrespective of wh

I want to create AR app in UNITY the uses GPS, but the sensor is jumpy

On one hand i have the image-based AR that Unity provides me, which is amazing in making things seem as if they are actually around my in the real world. Proble

GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: Framebuffer is not complete or incompatible with command

i have made a 360 image viewer on unity and i am changing image texture dynamically using c# script , so its work fine on PC unity but when i run it on android

Signin error about twitter and unity in Firebase

Already found the reason: You currently have Essential access which includes access to Twitter API v2 endpoints only. If you need access to this endpoint, you&r

How do I enable touch keyboard in Unity VR?

I have a question if you can answer me it will delight me. How do you enable the touch screen keyboard? Is it inside the XR Interaction Toolkit? I have no clue

IsPointerOverGameObject always returns false for touch

IsPointerOverGameObject always returns false for touch. I have tried all solutions that I could find. It works perfectly in Editor - clicks are blocked from fa

How to change the way Elements are added in a Unity Grid Layout Group?

When I add an Element, for instance an image, to my Grid Layout Group, but the row is already full, a new row gets created. But the Grid is extended in the wron

Controlling the Speed of the Car

I have been trying to control the speed of the car in Unity4. I am providing the code details below. Do I need to upgrade the code? As because when the brake(sp

Formula to make the ends of the arms of a spiral galaxy less dense

I want to make a spiral galaxy in Unity 3D using C# ( i use a derived logarithmic spiral ). I want to set the end of the arms less dense than the middle, but mi

The Name DoEditButtonChecked does not exist in the current context C#

Very new to all this. Was working on my game in unity and got an error. I tried restarting unity, I tried asking for help in other places, and got no response.

How to handle this "InvalidOperationException: EnsureRunningOnMainThread can only be called from the main thread"

I Have been getting this error for quite a while now, no idea what it is. it is not intervening in my progress either! full Error Message: InvalidOperationEx

Unity Skinned Mesh Renderer breaks mesh surface when animating

When the bone transforms of my SkinnedMeshRenderer in Unity rotate and move, the surface skin of the rigged mesh sometimes splits up, with the splices leaving o

Where is adb located when installing Unity and Android SDK for Mac?

I'm getting Android Build Failures and would like to locate adb to do some queries like adb devices but where is adb installed? I've already installed the Andro

the type or namespace name 'mixedreality' does not exist in the namespace 'microsoft' (are you missing an assembly refrence?)

I am currently developing an app for the Hololens 2 with Unity and mrtk. I am trying to get the Gaze direction from the GazeProvider.cs which is attached to the

How to make rts camera smooth when zooming in Unity

right now I am trying to make rts camera zooming with panning when close to the ground. The problem I have now is that I use mouse scroll wheel for zooming and

Unity Photon PUN RPC call

I have a question about RPC and Photon PUN. I have 1 GameObject in my game that calls an RPC method. This game object contains a C# script (that contains the

The "OnCollisionEnter" function isn't being triggered in one case but is being triggered in another case

I'm making a virtual reality application for the oculus platform with the unity engine & experiencing a problem in the process. For some reason, when i'm ho

How to create animation clip via script in Unity?

I want to create an AnimationClip in script against a GameObject in Unity. However, I do not know how to do it. I have attached the following code to a GameObje

Unity Addressables: RemoteProviderException : TextDataProvider : unable to load from url /base.apk!/assets/aa/settings.json

I have followed closely the samples for using the play asset delivery in my project as it is from here:

Unity - Determining UVs for a circular plane mesh generated by code

I'm trying to generate a circular mesh made up of triangles with a common center at the center of the circle. The mesh is generated properly, but the UVs are