Category "winscp-net"

How do I upload the last 3 files in a directory with WinSCP?

Trying to upload the last 3 files in a directory. I figured I can set the last 3 files and make them as an alias but I'm not sure how to do that.. Originally Wi

WinSCP .net library - Protocol.Ftp - System.FormatException Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string

I have SFTP working, just to trying to add Ftp to our existing program. Is SshHostKeyFingerprint recommended for Ftp protocol the same as with SFtp? If needed,

"No such file or directory" when synchronizing a local file with percent sign to remote directory with WinSCP

I have file with name %253csvg%2fonload=alert(1)%253e.jpg-131x94 I am trying to sync the files to remote server using WinSCP .NET assembly Session.SynchronizeD

Upload byte array without actually creating a local file to SFTP server using WinSCP .NET assembly?

I need to write a PowerShell script that reads some data and writes it to a file on a remote SFTP location. I'd rather not generate a local file first before i