Category ""

White background shows during 1 sec when keyboard closes on Android

When I tap to close the virtual keyboard, white background is shown on that place for 1 second. I use Activity(WindowSoftInputMode = SoftInput.AdjustResize) to

Getting java.exe exited with code 2 while building the app

I upgraded my android sdk api version from 27 to 28 and started getting the "java.exe" exited with code 2 while compiling a build. Output: 1>C:\Program Fil

How to get/generate pin sha256 from certificate

Simple question I am trying to do certificate pinning in android using the network-security-config but I am not sure how to get the the SHA-256 to put in the pi

Xamarin.Forms; display the phone number of my SIM Card at device on the screen

I want to display the phone number of my device on the screen. In Xamarin.Android the code is work. But I want to use a code in Xamarin.Forms. I've searched bu

How to control views wrapping in Android's GridLayout?

I'm wondering why in portrait mode, this android xml is not rendered properly: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <GridLayout xmlns:android="http:

How to control views wrapping in Android's GridLayout?

I'm wondering why in portrait mode, this android xml is not rendered properly: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <GridLayout xmlns:android="http:

Xamarin Android: java.exe exited with Code 2 -- MultiDex enabled

After the most recent update (Xamarin.Android.Support libraries, V28.0.0, Build tools 28.0.3), every build is failing with "java.exe" exited with Code 2 I had

How can one get actual file path from filepicker

I got another path instead of file actual path..

Xamarin Android: Calling Invalidate() inside overridden OnDraw method

I am creating a custom renderer, that needs to display whatever I have rendered in my Vulkan engine. For this I have a VulkanSurfaceView, which inherits from Me

TailTruncation - Ellipsize the text of a picker control in Xamarin Forms

Is it possible to truncate long texts with ellipsis in a picker control. I have already created a custom renderer to set a fontsize and no border in order to ac

XA5104 Could not locate the Android NDK

XA5104: Could not locate the Android NDK. Please make sure the Android NDK is installed in the Android SDK Manager, or if using a custom NDK path, please ensure

Fast update Android notification

I write simple audio player for Android. I wrote basic functional and now I want create notification for control audio player. I use Android classes Service and

Resources.UpdateConfiguration is obsolete

I want to prevent system font-size changing, effects to my xamarin forms android application. I tried with below code in MainActivity.cs and its working, but it

Failure [INSTALL_CANCELED_BY_USER] on Xiaomi device

I bought a Xiaomi Redmi 4x yesterday and I can't debug my apps in this device. I already enabled the Developer Options in the device, switch on to USB Debuggin

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release

i am getting this issues after install JAVA 11 (LTS) and Visual studio 2022 Community Edition. and Andriod Studio. in my Brand new AMD PC (which has all the pow

"java.exe" exited with code 2 Xamarin.Android project

so I have my Xamarin.Android project which contains several libraries. When I try to build I receive an error which says "java.exe" exited with code 2. After

Failed to resolve System.Int32 Xamarin.Essentials.Resource/Id::accessibility_action_clickable_span

When I compile the app in release mode I get the following error, I've already tried to reinstall and update all packages, but I still having problems with andr

Can't initialize/start emulator after press F5 without starting emulator device VS 2019/2022

If in a new project I start the emulator device and next press F5 the project is showed in the device correctly, but if I miss step one and directly press F5 it

Xamarin Android Archive error. Invalid Android Archive (no .APK files)

I am trying to publish an APK for a PCL Xamarin project. I am following these steps: Publishing An Application and at the 'Archive for Publishing' step I get th

Need to retrieve images (Varbinary MAX) from SQL Server 2014 to Xamarin by using C#

I am new to the Xamarin platform, I have a local hosted database in SQL Server 2014 using php (with aid of XAMP server) and the table name ItemProductsDB and sa