'Compile and run assembly on macbook
I'm taking a course on computer structure and I'm lost. I was given the following file: Hello.s:
#This is a simple "Hello World!" program
.section .rodata #read only data section
str: .string "Hello World!\n"
.text #the beginnig of the code
.globl main #the label "main" is used to state the initial point of this program
.type main, @function # the label "main" representing the beginning of a function
main: # the main function:
pushq %rbp #save the old frame pointer
movq %rsp, %rbp #create the new frame pointer
movq $str,%rdi #the string is the only paramter passed to the printf function (remember- first parameter goes in %rdi).
movq $0,%rax
call printf #calling to printf AFTER we passed its parameters.
#return from printf:
movq $0, %rax #return value is zero (just like in c - we tell the OS that this program finished seccessfully)
movq %rbp, %rsp #restore the old stack pointer - release all used memory.
popq %rbp #restore old frame pointer (the caller function frame)
ret #return to caller function (OS)
I tried the most naive thing, went into the terminal, and wrote:
gcc Hello.s
I got the following messages:
Hello.s:2:19: error: unexpected token in '.section' directive
.section .rodata #read only data section
Hello.s:7:2: error: unknown directive
.type main, @function # the label "main" representing the beginning of a function
I'm completely lost and I have no clue what I should do. My professor is of no help, and almost all the other students own a Windows pc and figured it out in different ways.
What am I suppose to do? Is there a program I should download? Anything at all I could do before going and buying a Windows computer?
Please be very specific and easy on your answer since I'm no expert under any means.
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