'Flatsome UX Builder not loading

I just installed the Flatsome theme on my SSL protected site. I was going to use the UX builder to edit the pages but it was not loaded what should I do? Some sites say that it is due to SSL, but I do not know what to do?

What I'm seeing can be seen below.

enter image description here

Solution 1:[1]

seems that ajax request is not returning the desired data to render ux Builder. You need investigate wich error is causiing this issue. Check error.log of your server regarding any php error. Also check console of browser If its returning javascript error. Paste errors here

Solution 2:[2]

If you have any caching plugin or performance plugins installed . De-activate for a while and give it a try

Solution 3:[3]

  1. Login to hosting account.
  2. Login to phpMyAdmin.
  3. Choose the affected database. If you only have one database, it should choose it by default so you don’t need to do anything.
  4. In the main panel, you should see a list of your database tables. Check the boxes by the tables that need repair. You can use “Check all” checkbox just below the list to select all tables.
  5. At the bottom of the window just below the list of tables, there is a drop down menu. Choose “Repair Table”

Solution 4:[4]

Check your function.php file, disable or fix javascript function to fix it.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 maaprote
Solution 2 Kantiman Bajracharya
Solution 3 Davood Khoshnood
Solution 4 Sam Nguyen