'Get GroupsId from Bot Framework in Microsoft Teams

My question is related to the Bot Framework, with Microsoft Teams. The idea is to be able to get the current groupId (if we are not in a 1:1 convesation) to be able to make some Graph request

I tried to get the channel data, with this method

TeamsChannelData channelData = context.Activity.GetChannelData<TeamsChannelData>()

But I just have the channel id (Something like 19:[email protected])

Actually It's not enough to get the GroupId, even with the /beta graph endpoint.

Any pointer on how to works with the current group in MS Teams, with a Bot ?

Thx all !

Solution 1:[1]

The improvement to include the AAD group id to channel data is still in progress. We are working on it and it is still not released.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Dharman