'How can I specify the region of a Google Cloud Function?

I'm currently using Google Cloud Function to build up my restful API. However, I've found that it's slow because the my Google-Cloud-Function server is on "us-central", whereas my service is in Asia.

I tried to change the default region of my Google Project to "asia-west-1" and restart the cloud function—I followed the steps outlined here—but, unfortunately, it's still in "us-central". How can I change the function's region ?

Solution 1:[1]

No such region as "asia-west-1"

There is no such region as "asia-west-1" on the Google Cloud Platform. At the time of writing, GCP provides the following regions in Asia:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-south1
  • asia-southeast1

However, asia-northeast1 is currently the only GCP region in Asia available for Google Cloud Functions:

$ gcloud functions regions list

How to specify the region of a Google Cloud Function

Using Google Cloud Console

The region setting is easy to miss. It's actually hidden behind an accordion entitled "More":


Clicking on it reveals a Region dropdown (among other advanced settings):


Using gcloud

Simply specify one of the four available regions using the --region flag.

Minimal working example

Under the assumption that you have

$ tree .
??? index.js

0 directories, 1 file
$ cat index.js 
exports.hello = (req, res) => {

  res.send(`Hello World!`); 


then running

gcloud functions deploy hello --region asia-northeast1 --trigger-http

should deploy function hello to region asia-northeast1:


Solution 2:[2]

It seems that Google Cloud Functions are currently available only in region us-central1. If I go to "Create function" (https://console.cloud.google.com/functions/add), the Region dropdown has only one choice, and it's us-central1.

Solution 3:[3]

If you are using the Firebase SDK:

Taken from the documentation - https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/manage-functions#modify

// before
const functions = require('firebase-functions');

exports.webhook = functions
    .https.onRequest((req, res) => {

// after
const functions = require('firebase-functions');

exports.webhookAsia = functions
    .https.onRequest((req, res) => {


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Rohan Jayasekera
Solution 3 robsiemb