'How do I enable touch keyboard in Unity VR?

I have a question if you can answer me it will delight me. How do you enable the touch screen keyboard? Is it inside the XR Interaction Toolkit? I have no clue or whatsoever to get that touch keyboard out and use it in a input field in Unity.

Solution 1:[1]

Usually the touchscreen keyboard opens up on its own when you click on an InputField.

However if it doesn't, you should be able to open it manually like this in C#

public void OpenKeyboard()

You can learn more about the touchscreen keyboard and its properties right here.

Hope this helped you :)

Solution 2:[2]

You can enable touch keyboard in the VR application using XR Interaction Toolkit and Oculus Integration package.

Even though Oculus supports the system keyboard in the VR apps but sometimes it won't work for the inputs like InputField.

If you want to enable a virtual keyboard using Oculus then refer to the following answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/70431161/7103882

If you want to enable a virtual keyboard using XR Interaction Toolkit then refer to the following steps:

NB: Sometimes oculus system keyboard support won't work. So, I recommend you to try with XR Interaction Toolkit if the Oculus version is not supported.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Cliz
Solution 2 Codemaker