'How do I use different Post-Processing effects on different cameras in Unity 2017.4.2f2?

Before I explain my situation, it's important that I mention I'm using an older version of Unity, 2017.42f2 (for PSVITA support). for this reason, I'm also using the old Post-Processing Stack.

I'm making a game in which I want a lot of bloom on the UI, but not as much for the rest of the game. I used a camera to render the UI, gave it Post-Processing (Screen Space - Camera on Canvas),

and another one to render the rest of the game

Each is given a different profile to use different effects.

My expectation is that the UI renderer camera would only apply it's effects to the Canvas. Instead, it also applies them to the camera beneath it; the game renderer camera.

As you can see I used Don't Clear clear flags. I also tried Depth-only, to see if it would make a difference.

I'm lost as to what I could do. Grain and bloom get applied to everything

yet the profile for those effects is only given to the UI renderer Camera's Post Processing Behavior Script.

Everything shown

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? I'm lost.


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