'How to get the locally formatted price out of these web pages

Microsoft has web pages showing the local prices for Windows in over 200 countries. For each country, there are separate web pages for Windows Pro, Windows Home, and Windows Workstation.

I'm trying to get the locally-formatted prices including currency symbol for each of the web pages. For many of them this works:

Const WEB_PRICE_HTML_CLASS_NAME_TYPE_1 As String = "pi-price-text"

Function GETWEBPRICE(url_web_price As String) As String
    Dim oXMLHTTP As Object
    Dim oHtmlDoc As Object
    Dim collTopics As Object
    Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    Set oHtmlDoc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
    oXMLHTTP.Open "GET", url_web_price, False: DoEvents
    oXMLHTTP.send: DoEvents
    oHtmlDoc.body.innerHTML = oXMLHTTP.responseText: DoEvents

    Set collTopics = oHtmlDoc.getElementsByClassName(WEB_PRICE_HTML_CLASS_NAME_TYPE_1): DoEvents
    GETWEBPRICE = collTopics(0).textContent
End Function

An example web page for which that works is this one:

But some of them have a different html structure, and that doesn't work, such as this one:

How do I get the locally-formatted prices from the web pages with that html structure?

Solution 1:[1]

This uses a more general class, but does work for the AU site:

Const WEB_PRICE_HTML_CLASS_NAME_TYPE_1 As String = "font-weight-semibold"

Function GETWEBPRICE(url_web_price As String) As String
    Dim oXMLHTTP As Object
    Dim oHtmlDoc As Object
    Dim collTopics As Object
    Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    Set oHtmlDoc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
    oXMLHTTP.Open "GET", url_web_price, False: DoEvents
    oXMLHTTP.send: DoEvents
    oHtmlDoc.body.innerHTML = oXMLHTTP.responseText: DoEvents

    Set collTopics = oHtmlDoc.getElementsByClassName(WEB_PRICE_HTML_CLASS_NAME_TYPE_1): DoEvents
    GETWEBPRICE = collTopics(0).innerText
End Function


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Spectral Instance