'How to make a discord bot to auto send messages?

Is it possible to make a bot to automatically message people in my friends list or everyone from a specific server where i'm not an administrator? Where would i start, i know some Python but never worked with Discord bots, i was thinking this shouldn't be too hard as a first one?

I know i've received various messages / adveritsements from people on discord that i wouldn't think are admin on any server i'm on. Unless its done manually?

Solution 1:[1]

If you are wanting to write your own Discord bot in python, have a look at discord.py, follow the tutorial which will show you how to write simple commands and automated responses.

Is it possible to make a bot to automatically message people in my friends list or everyone from a specific server where i'm not an administrator?

You must have the required permissions to add the bot to the discord server. A role with 'regular' permissions will typically not allow you to do this. Additionally you can only have discord bots bound to a server, so a 'personal' bot that follows you around different servers is not really feasible.

Solution 2:[2]

I think what you're talking about is a self bot, which is against the Discord TOS and will likely get your account banned. If you want to get a bot on a Discord Server you'll have to ask an administrator.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Mks
Solution 2 Olivia Smith