'How to tell PhpStorm that function argument is file path

In PhpStorm (and other JetBrains IDE), is it possible to make function attributes as file / resource path?

E.g. in this function:

function mix($file): string
  // check mix maninfest for $file and return path from mix manifest
  return $fire_path_with_cachebuster;

I'd like PHP to suggest files in the project as I define $file attribute when calling mix function.

Solution 1:[1]

Only manually for the moment, when calling that function ?. And it's a temp injection (for a session) so it's not convenient:

  • Place caret inside the string parameter
  • Use Alt + Enter (or via light bulb icon) to bring the Quick Fix / Intentions menu (on some Keymaps it might be different one)
  • Use "Inject language or reference" option
    enter image description here
  • Then choose "File Reference" entry there (just start typing to filter the list). enter image description here

The result:
enter image description here

Hopefully they will implement the following tickets for a permanent solution:

Watch those tickets (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress (and hopefully speed it up by bringing dev's attention).

Solution 2:[2]

Like LazyOne stated, there is currently no way to declare a parameter as being a file reference.

However, you can get a more permanent File Reference "injection" by [mis]using __DIR__.

PhpStorm considers a string mixed with the __DIR__ constant to be a file path:

enter image description here

It isn't perfect as it depends on what directory you are currently located in. If you only want the filename passed to your method, you can wrap the string in basename, or handle that from within your method.

echo mix(basename(__DIR__ . '/slack_bot.php'));


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Anony Mous