'How to view code in a Github repository as of a specific release?

I would like to see what the code in a whole repository looks like of a specific release. As an example, I'd like to view the code for Apache Airflow as of version 1.10.6.

I can find the summary of the release here, but don't know how to get to the associated code as of this release: https://github.com/apache/airflow/releases/tag/1.10.6rc1

Maybe it's possible to do this locally even (although I don't think git itself has the concept of a "release")?

Does what I'm trying to do make sense?

Solution 1:[1]

The circled link should take you to that particular snapshot of the code.


Solution 2:[2]

Every GitHub release is associated with a git tag. The tag you are looking for can be seen in the release URL. For example, the URL in your question, https://github.com/apache/airflow/releases/tag/1.10.6rc1, corresponds to the tag 1.10.6rc1.

To checkout to a tag locally, all you need is:

git checkout <tag-name>

In the given example,

git checkout 1.10.6rc1

For more information, this thread discusses the difference between a git tag and a GitHub release. You can read more about git tags in the official documentation of git.

Solution 3:[3]

Easiest way follow these clicks

enter image description here


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 sanoj subran
Solution 2 GoodDeeds
Solution 3 user171780