'Junit (4.12) is not executing after spring-boot 2.6.2 migration

I have migrated from Spring to Spring-boot version 2.6.2. mvn clean install is successful but none of the junit(version 4.12) is executing. After few research I got to know that Spring-boot 2.4 onwards, JUnit4 has been removed. I tried below solutions which didn't work.

After updating to latest Spring boot version, spring-boot-starter-parent 2.6.2, my tests stop executing

Spring Boot maven unit tests not being executed

Solution 1:[1]

I think you ought to migrate to JUnit 5.

Solution 2:[2]

Exclude the junit-jupiter-engine and junit-vintage-engine from the spring-boot-starter-test dependency and then add JUnit 4 dependency in your pom:


Solution 3:[3]

JUnit 5 = JUnit Platform + JUnit Jupiter + JUnit Vintage.

Refer to: Junit5 doc

If you import junit-jupiter by depending on latest spring-boot-starter-test, it will only run the Junit5 style test cases. So Junit provides junit-vintage to run old Junit3/Junit4 cases and by default it's not contained in the spring-boot-starter-test dependencies. So there are two solutions to keep running Junit4:

  1. Depend on both of junit-jupiter and junit-vintage to support all Junit3/4/5 cases.

  2. Exclude junit-jupiter from spring-boot-starter-test to run Junit4



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Solution Source
Solution 1 Sergey Tsypanov
Solution 2 Ilze
Solution 3 Yun-tao Yang