'Laravel 9: change table and fields for authentication and login

I have changed the table and the Laravel Breeze fields for authentication to some custom ones. It looks fine but in AuthenticatedSessionController.php while I get Auth::Check() == true when it executes return redirect()->intended(RouteServiceProvider::HOME); I get redirected to login page without any error message.


public function store(LoginRequest $request)

    //Auth::Check() == true here I get true.

    return redirect()->intended(RouteServiceProvider::HOME);

I have only modified $user->getAuthPassword to return the new field for password and the protected $table variable (and fillables) in user model to show the new table.

Solution 1:[1]

Did you specify the protected $primaryKey if your custom table primary key is not 'id'. In my case, it redirected me to dashboard when I specify the $primaryKey.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Henley YM