'Mathematica : Convert easily a Notebook format into Wolframscript (.wls) by removing all comments on real instructions lines

I have a Mathematica notebook.

I would like to generate in an automatically way this notebook to a Wolfram script that I could make run directly from terminal under MacOS with : $ wolframscript output_wls.wls

The problem is that, if i export directly from Mathematica to .wls, I have all the lines of the code which are commented.

For example, I get from Mathematica Notebook exporting the following beginning into Wolfram script :

#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript
(* ::Package:: *)

(* ::Input:: *)

(* ::Subchapter:: *)
(*Expansion rate date loading*)

(* ::Input:: *)
(*dataH = DeleteCases[dataH, x_?(Length[#]==0&), 1];*)
(*zLine = dataH[[All, 1]];*)

(* ::Subchapter:: *)
(*BD solver with redshift*)

(* ::Input:: *)
(*{h, Htable, \[Rho]dmtable, \[Phi]table, utable, Hk1, Hk2, Hk3,Hk4, \[Rho]dmk1, \[Rho]dmk2, \[Rho]dmk3,\[Rho]dmk4, \[Phi]k1, \[Phi]k2,\[Phi]k3,\[Phi]k4, uk1,uk2, uk3,uk4, containsIndeterminate, containsComplex, Hval},*)

If I execute this .wls script, nothing happens : that's normal since there are comments everywhere.

So, I would like to fix this by automatically remove the comments for real original commands and keep the others as notebooks comments.

I know that a magic sed or awk script or command lines could do the trick but I have not enough background to create a such script. However, I think there may be other alternatives.

If someone could find a way to make automatic this task from any notebook to convert to a working executable Wolfram script, this would be fine to tell it.

UPDATE : I tried the solution of Nathan's method but it fails when I evaluate the notebook. Here below the message :

error message

Solution 1:[1]

Please check if the following command can help

gawk -f convert.awk example.txt

where example.txt contains your example text and convert.awk the following code.

BEGIN {FS = ""}
  for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
    if ((($i == "(") && ($(i+1) == "*")) || (($i == "*") && ($(i+1) == ")"))) {
      i = i + 1
    } else {
      printf("%c", $i)


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 rossifr