'Need to set default output, but it does not work

I got this code to compile and work, but all leds were on constantly. So I decided it needed to be defaulted, which is why I added: "011101111" to output in sensitivity list. Now the code does not want to compile stating: "Too many outputs". (working with 22v10) Code down below:

--Traffic Light Design Project

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity comboLogic is
  port(CLK, VMP, T, S10, S2, LT: in std_logic;
       Q:buffer std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="011101111"); 
end comboLogic;

architecture DigitalSystem of comboLogic is

  process(CLK, VMP, T, S10, S2, LT, Q)
 if CLK = '1' and CLK 'event then

        case Q is

        -- G120, R120L, RMP
        when "011101111" =>
            if (LT = '0' or T = '1' or VMP = '0' or S10 = '1') then 
                Q <= "011101111"; -- STAY
        elsif((S10 = '0' and T = '0') and (VMP = '1' or LT = '1')) then 
            Q <= "110101111"; -- Yellow 120
        end if;

    --Y120, R120L, RMP
    when "110101111" =>
        if (S2 = '1') then 
            Q <= "110101111"; --STAY
        elsif(S2 = '0' and VMP = '1' and LT = '0' and T = '0') then 
            Q <= "101011111"; -- Red 120 & 120L, Green MP
        end if;



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