'Node.js: can you use asynchronous functions from within streams?

Consider the following:

var asyncFunction = function(data, callback) {
    // do some stuff
    return callback(err)
  .on('data', asyncFunction)   // <- how to let asyncFunction complete before continuing

How does the stream know when asyncFunction has completed? Is there any way to use asynchronous functions from within streams?

Solution 1:[1]

Check out transform streams. They give you the ability to run async code on a chunk, and then call a callback when you are finished. Here are the docs: https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#transform_transformchunk-encoding-callback

As a simple example, you can do something like:

const Transform = require('stream').Transform
class WorkerThing extends Transform {
    _transform(chunk, encoding, cb) {
        asyncFunction(chunk, cb)

const workerThing = new WorkerThing()



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Solution 1 t7tran