'Save my WB based on another workbook name in VBA

I have a code which is doing following:

  • Prompt to choose external workbook

  • Copying all the data from that wb

  • Pasting exactly 1:1 in main wb

  • Close and Save from .xlsm to .xlsx but with a name of my main wb

      Sub CopySheetFromClosedWorkbook2()
      'Prompt to choose your file in the chosen locatioon
      Dim dialogBox As FileDialog
      Dim FilePath As String
      Set dialogBox = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
      Application.StatusBar = "Choose older PDS Form!"
      dialogBox.AllowMultiSelect = False
      dialogBox.Title = "Select a file"
      If dialogBox.Show = -1 Then
          FilePath = dialogBox.SelectedItems(1)
      'If nothing selected then MsgBox
         MsgBox "No PDS Form selected!"
         Exit Sub
      End If
      'Here are sheets defined which you are going to copy/paste (reference update) but to keep formatting.
      ''Sheets should be defined from right to left to have your sheets sorted from the beginning
      Dim shNames As Variant: shNames = Array("CH_or_Recipe_8", "CH_or_Recipe_7", "CH_or_Recipe_6", "CH_or_Recipe_5", "CH_or_Recipe_4", _
      "CH_or_Recipe_3", "CH_or_Recipe_2", "CH_or_Recipe_1", "Customer Details", "Instructions")
      Dim tgt As Workbook: Set tgt = ThisWorkbook
      Application.ScreenUpdating = False
      Dim src As Workbook: Set src = Workbooks.Open(FilePath)
      Dim ws As Worksheet, rng As Range, i As Long
      For Each ws In src.Sheets
          If ws.Name Like "*[1-8]" Then
              ws.Name = "CH_or_Recipe_" & Right(ws.Name, 1)
          ElseIf ws.Name = "Customer_Details" Then
              ws.Name = "Customer Details"
          ElseIf ws.Name = "OIPT Plasmalab" Then
              ws.Name = "CH_or_Recipe_1"
          ElseIf ws.Name = "AMAT" Then
              ws.Name = "CH_or_Recipe_2"
          End If
      For i = 0 To UBound(shNames)
          On Error Resume Next
          Set ws = src.Sheets(shNames(i))
          If Err.Number = 0 Then
              Set rng = ws.UsedRange
              rng.Copy tgt.Worksheets(shNames(i)).Range(rng.Address)
          End If
      Next i
      src.Close False
      Application.ScreenUpdating = True
      MsgBox "Copy&Paste successful!"
      End Sub
      Sub SaveNoMacro()
      Dim fn As String
      With ThisWorkbook
          fn = Replace(.FullName, ".xlsm", ".xlsx")
           Application.DisplayAlerts = False
          .SaveAs fn, FileFormat:=xlWorkbookDefault
           Application.DisplayAlerts = True
      End With
      MsgBox "Saved as " & fn
     End Sub

What I just need (if possible) is to save my wb in the same name as that external wb that I am taking data from and adding date/time at the end.


MainWB1.xlsm + ExternalWB1.xlsx >>> MainWB1.xlsx (This is now)

MainWB1.xlsm + ExternalWB1.xlsx >>> ExternalWB1_today().xlsx (This is what I wanna)

Solution 1:[1]

You have 2 separate methods:

  • CopySheetFromClosedWorkbook2
  • SaveNoMacro

The name of the source workbook is only available in the scope of the CopySheetFromClosedWorkbook2 because that's where you open and close it. So, you have 2 options:

  1. Save the main workbook before exiting the scope of the CopySheetFromClosedWorkbook2 method i.e. while the name of the source book is available
  2. Save the name of the source book somewhere (global variable, named range, registy, custom xml part etc.) or even return it as a result (Function instead of Sub) so that you can call the SaveNoMacro method at a later stage

Save before exiting the scope

Here are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Place your save code before the src.Close False line so that you can use the src.Name property i.e. combine the 2 methods into one. Not sure if you want to do this
  2. Pass the name as an argument to the second method. In CopySheetFromClosedWorkbook2 replace this:
src.Close False

with this:

SaveNoMacro src.Name
src.Close False

and update SaveNoMacro to:

Sub SaveNoMacro(ByVal newName As String)
    Dim fn As String
    With ThisWorkbook
        fn = Replace(.FullName, .Name, Left(newName, InStrRev(newName, ".") - 1)) _
           & Format$(Date, "_yyyy-mm-dd") & ".xlsx"
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        .SaveAs fn, FileFormat:=xlWorkbookDefault
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End With
    MsgBox "Saved as " & fn
End Sub

Save the name for later use

In case you don't want to run the 2 methods in a sequence then you can save the name for later use. Using a global variable is not a good idea as the state can be lost by the time you run the save method. Using a named range would work as long as you don't have your workbook protected i.e you can create a named range.

There are many options but the easiest to use is to write to registry using the built in SaveSetting option. Replace this:

src.Close False

with this:

SaveSetting "MyApp", "MySection", "NewBookName", src.Name
src.Close False

and update SaveNoMacro to:

Sub SaveNoMacro()
    Dim fn As String: fn = GetSetting("MyApp", "MySection", "NewBookName")
    If LenB(fn) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No name was saved", vbInformation, "Cancelled"
        Exit Sub
        DeleteSetting "MyApp", "MySection", "NewBookName"
    End If
    With ThisWorkbook
        fn = Replace(.FullName, .Name, Left(fn, InStrRev(fn, ".") - 1)) _
           & Format$(Date, "_yyyy-mm-dd") & ".xlsx"
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        .SaveAs fn, FileFormat:=xlWorkbookDefault
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End With
    MsgBox "Saved as " & fn
End Sub

Solution 2:[2]

fn = Replace(.FullName, ".xlsm", ".xlsx")

fn = Replace(.FullName, ".xlsm", date & ".xlsx")

Solution 3:[3]

What I just need (if possible) is to save my wb in the same name as that external wb that I am taking data from and adding date/time at the end

You got the full path of your external wb in the variable FilePath so you can use that to save the workbook. You could save it like this (at the end of your sub CopySheetFromClosedWorkbook2):

Dim SaveName As String

SaveName = src.Path & "\" & Replace(Split(Filepath, "\")(UBound(Split(Filepath, "\"))), ".xlsm", Format(Date, "dd_mm_yyyy") & ".xlsx")

With ThisWorkbook
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    .SaveAs SaveName, FileFormat:=xlWorkbookDefault
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End With

Notice I'm using the object src to get the path where you want to save the new workbook, so you need to asign the line SaveName = .... anywhere before you do src.Close.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 david
Solution 3