'Use cell value as worksheet name

Im new to VBA, and i have something i dont understand now.

I've been trying to copy Worksheets by only copying Cells with a specific colour in a cell below. I want to be able to change the worksheet using the same cells by typing in the worksheet name also in a cell below.

I already tried using CONCAT (WsName,rCell) but that didnt really work.

Here is what i also tried:

Function ColorReplicate(rColor As Range, WsName As String, rCell As Range)
Dim lCol As Long
Dim vResult
Dim ws As Worksheet

lCol = rColor.Interior.ColorIndex
Set ws = ws.Sheets(WsName)

If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = lCol Then
    vResult = ws.rCell
End If

ColorReplicate = vResult
End Function

I would really apreciate help.

Edit 09.05.2022



=ColorReplicate(Cell with searched Colour; Set Cell to look foe in other ws; Cell with ws name in it)

If there are better ways to copy a worksheet this way i would love to hear so

Many thanks


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